Manchester Historic Society

About us

Manchester Historic Society


Manchester is Pittsburgh’s largest historic district,

protecting 609 buildings over 51.6 acres. The district was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1975 and designated a City Historic District in 1979.


 Manchester City Historic District Map


Manchester Historic Society was founded in 1996 to help preserve and promote the history of Manchester. MHS’ initial focus was on encouraging the retention and restoration of historic homes in the neighborhood, but our mission has expanded to supporting the neighborhood through two annual cleanup days, showcasing Manchester’s success stories on our annual house tour, supporting neighborhood organizations and projects

51 +

Acres in the Historic District


Builidngs being protected


Manchester residents


Manchester is founded

Upcoming Events


Find out more about the upcoming events and community meetings.


Showcase Manchester 2024

Our People


Here are the people who take care of our neighborhood and change it for better.


House History





Please feel free to join the Manchester Historic Society, and help out in our cause.





Look through the projects we are planning and vote for the best one.


Neighborhood Clean-up

Historic Plaques